Posts in Industry News
Banks to Customers: Let's Get Personal

EMVC is featured in a BAI industry report on the new era of financial product personalization. “In many ways, personalization at scale is a 21st-century approach to delivering what the banking industry lost many years ago: the ability to truly know customers, anticipate their needs, engage in a rich dialogue about their financial lives, and, as a consequence, foster loyalty that can last a lifetime”

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"Blockchain Through the Eyes of a Fintech Fund Leading VC Investor" - EMVC Interviewed on Opportunities for Blockchain in Emerging Markets

“… the financial sectors of countries across South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa are primed to leverage new Blockchain-based payments and commerce platforms over high cost and often-inconvenient legacy banking systems just as they went straight to mobile phones, leapfrogging home telephone lines.”

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